Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Operation Bathroom Make-over. Complete

Last week I decided to take on the daunting task of re-modeling the upstairs bathroom. This bathroom is not used a whole lot, but I still felt like it needed some attention.

Before this endeavor I was pretty confident about my painting skills. I thought that I enjoyed painting. Boy, was I wrong. Painting a dark color against a white ceiling is much more difficult than a light color.

Jason had little faith in me, of course.. so I had to prove him wrong. I painted and touched up and painted and touched up. Then finally... I was finished. Well, finished with as much as I could take.

Don't look too closely at my paint job

After much stress and hairloss determination... the bathroom is finished.

For now...

Take a look.



Sunday, July 10, 2011

Conquoring the Grass...

Today I did something I've unsuccessfully done only once before. I must say, I was quite impressed! My stepdad had hernia surgery on Tuesday and has been laid up all week. Keeping the grass in pristine condition has always been a passion of his. Because he could barely move and the grass was beginning to look like a jungle Jason and I volunteered to go over and cut it for him.

Now, there is a reason that I am very excited about this. Ya know, when you fail epically at something... and you wait until the perfect time to try it again (in order to ensure you will perform perfectly)? Well... about 6 years ago I thought it wise to try and cut my dad's grass on his riding lawn mower. I was doing really great until... I ran into his house...with the lawnmower. At that time I gave up on my dream of ever being a professional grass cutter. Haha... no, but seriously. I had never tried it again until today.

With help from Jason...

& my mother dearest...

We got the grass cut in record time!
Kudos to us!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fourth of July celebrations... with a very special friend.

My parents recently bought a 2008 SeaRay Sport boat. We thought that the 4th of July would be a great time to put it in the water and try her out. We all went to Buggs Island Lake Friday and Saturday and had a great time! with the exception of my parents getting pulled over by the cops on their first day in the water... really?

We cooked out at the Parrish's lake house and had so much fun relaxing and hanging out with such great friends. We returned home on Sunday and looked forward to attending my Goomba's 4th of July cookout the following day.

When had the honor of experiencing the first open air ride of the good ole' Jeep's life. Poor thing had never had the top off before. It was such a blast although, it wrecked havoc on my hair doo

I know when my cell phone dings, and I see that I have recieved a picture message from "Jay Willis," than it's gonna be a good one...

This bring me to my "very speical friend" portion of the post...

So, making her debut blog appearance-weighing in at a whopping 2 ounces and standing 10 inches tall (including her popsicle stick)here is...

FLAT LINDSAY AND THE TOPLESS JEEP... kinda sounds like a lousy Vegas show if you think about it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Rest in Peace, Baby Caylee

As I'm sure you have all heard, and if you haven't, you must live under a rock yesterday, Casey Anthony the 25 year old "tot mom" charged with first degree murder and aggravated child abuse of her three year old daughter, Caylee was acquitted of these charges. She was found guilty of "giving officers false information"....a simple misdemeanor.

I had not followed this case closely, but began watching the news about mid-way through her trial. I think that it is safe to say that everyone most of us feel that this woman is as guilty as they come.

I'm sorry if this post offends anyone, but if your three year old goes missing and you wait a MONTH to report this to authorities you are guilty of child abuse. Plain and simple. Not to mention if your child has been missing for a MONTH and you finally work up the nerve to call authorities and report it... then three days later you run out and get a tattoo reading "bella vita" which translates to "beautiful life" you must not be much concerned about the whereabouts of your child.

When the not guilty verdict was read, my jaw dropped. How on Earth did this monster get away with a crime like this? This is a perfect example of why there are major flaws with our judicial system. Reminds me of OJ Simpson all over again.

Last night, at 9pm, we vowed to turn on our porch lights in memory of baby Caylee. I encourage all of you to join in and turn yours on also.

What a Wednesday.

Today was .... uneventful to say the least. We woke up hoping to hit the golf course and play a few holes. Of course, when I actually rolled over and looked at the clock it was almost 12 pm. Where had the day gone? Jason went to the gym and I worked on some school work (race, class and gender is not what I would normally choose to wake up to, but hey).

Randy, Aiden, and Blac stopped by for a visit and Aiden discovered the world of pom poms. He put them on Jason's head and told him he looked like a girl.

Around 3:30 the sky started getting black and we knew our golf plans were probably about to get ruined. at 4:00 on the dot the sky opened up and a pile of rain drained down onto us. (I'm sure our tomato plants are appreciative) more about them on a later post. It stormed a terrifying storm, which eventually killed Katt Williams and his stand up show we were watching on the television.

By this point, as you can imagine, Jason's belly is growling and dinner is on the brain. (I warned you, this day was uneventful... it's already almost 6 pm and the above is a play-by-play of what we did today. Not a lot obviously). We had chicken already thawed but no clue what to do with it. Then it hit me...

The perfect semi-healthy summer meal idea.

What is it?

I'll give you a hint.

It's Italian and goes great with red wine.

If you guessed a crispy, pesto chicken, spinach, and roasted tomato pizza you were right!

The meal was absolutly delicious and we will definitely be trying it again sometime!

What a great way to end a boring day!